Mark Rober and MrBeast Team Up to Plant 20 Million Trees

By: Discovery

They're planting 20 million trees, but they're on a deadline. Here's what you need to know to support their cause!

YouTube phenoms Mark Rober and MrBeast teamed-up to launch #TeamTrees, a massive online campaign to plant 20 million trees by 2020. Upon realizing what an ambitious goal they’ve set for themselves, they try using different strategies to accomplish their goal. While MrBeast decides to employ the power of his legion of followers, Mark has a more scientific solution in mind—using swarms of drones!

Mark Rober is a former NASA Engineer turned youtube phenom famous for his pop-science and DIY gadget videos - most notably a glitter bomb trap video. He also starred in Discovery's Shark Week special, "Shark Rober."

MrBeast aka Jimmy Donaldson is a youtube juggernaut commanding more than 25 million followers. The #TeamTrees initiative originated as a means to celebrate reaching 20M followers on youtube.

"It's just like a first bump to Mother Earth. She takes care of us and now we need to return the favor."

Mark Rober

The duo, in partnership with the Arbor Day Foundation, hopes to use this initiative as a means to increase awareness around the impact that the human species has had on the planet.

UPDATE - OCT. 31, 2019:

Just six days after its launch, the #TeamTrees campaign has seen unprecedented success. To date, $10.9 million have been raised - and at a dollar per planted tree - the youtube phenoms behind the campaign are more than halfway to their goal of planting 20 million trees by 2020.

Mark Rober and MrBeast have galvanized their social followings reaching influencers, entrepreneurs, and corporations alike. Even Elon Musk got in on the action. On Tuesday night, the Tesla CEO announced via twitter that he would donate 1 million trees and subsequently changed his twitter name to "Treelon."

The tweet was confirmed by Youtube, which committed to matching "Treelon's" donation.

Will Rober and Donaldson reach their goal? We'll know in a few months, but they're well on their way. In the meantime, watch #TeamTrees now on Discovery GO.

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