Save a Furry Friend Today
The United States alone sees an estimated 6.5 million new animals in shelters a year. Unfortunately of those animals, 1.5 million are euthanized annually. To combat shelter numbers and decrease euthanization, we've composed a list of adoption facts and info for International Homeless Animals Day (August 21).

Photo By: @Hans Surfer
Photo By: fortise
Photo By: Ana Rocio Garcia Franco
Photo By: felixmizioznikov
Photo By: Estersinhache fotografía
Photo By: hikuta
Photo By: © Ian Laker Photography
Photo By: bymuratdeniz
Photo By: GlobalP
Moving away from Puppy Mills
Puppy mills are factory-style breeding facilities that often value profit over the welfare of dogs. Many pet stores receive dogs from puppy mills or breeders, consider adopting from a local shelter instead!
Owner Surrendered
One of the largest contributors of pets to shelters are owner surrenders. Reasons for owner surrender of dogs include moving (7%), landlord disputes (6%), and unmanageable costs (5%). For owner surrender of cats, the leading reasons are too many pets in the house (11%), allergies (8%), and moving (8%).
Lost from Home
Of the strays and lost pets that enter shelters, only 15 — 20% of dogs and less than 2% of cats are ever reunited with their owners.
Misconceptions that Hurt
Pit Bulls face some of the worst shelter adoption rates due to the false idea the breed is untrainable, initially aggressive, and violent towards other dogs and humans. On average, only one in every 600 pit bulls is adopted, while the other 93% of pit bulls in shelters will be euthanized within their stay.
All it Takes is Eight Minutes
The International Society for Applied Ethology completed a study that showed when adopting a dog, the decision isn't a hard one. Those looking to adopt usually take eight minutes of interacting with a dog to decide on adopting it.
Pets come in all shapes and sizes
A common misconception is that shelters only offer cats and dogs, but that's far from the truth. Most shelters and adoption organizations house many animals including snakes, iguanas, turtles, rabbits, and more!
The Easter Bunny
Easter is the leading cause in rabbit adornment in the U.S. Shelters commonly see a spike in rabbit surrender weeks after Easter due to misinformation on their lifespan and the care needed to own a rabbit.
Cost Effective Option
Adoption from shelters is less expensive than other pet purchasing options. Not only do shelters offer lower prices; they provide spay and neuter programs. Some shelter’s even spay and neuter pets before adoption so owners don’t need to.
Largest Rescue in the World
In Romina, Ute Langenkamp: Iubiti Maidanezii, is the world’s largest dog rescue center on the planet. They house more than 3,000 dogs on 11 acres of land where the dogs can roam freely. The shelter specializes in housing, treating, and re-homing all the dogs they receive. Currently the shelter has 2,535 adult dogs, 513 puppies, and 53 cats.
Finding your perfect match
In the U.S., there are 3,500 animal shelters and over 10,000 animal sanctuaries. Finding a new addition to your family or a new furry friend can be easier than you think! Click to help find a shelter close to you today.