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The Eight Faces Of The Great Pyramid Of Giza

By: Reuben Westmaas

This ancient structure has more sides than you think.

August 01, 2019

The base of the Great Pyramid of Giza is a square, right? Well, not quite. Despite what you may think about this ancient structure, the Great Pyramid is an eight-sided figure, not a four-sided figure. Each of the pyramid's four side are evenly split from base to tip by very subtle concave indentations. It is believed that this discovery was made in 1940 by a British Air Force pilot named P. Groves as he was flying over the pyramid. Groves reportedly noticed the strange sight and took a photograph showing shadows that reveal the indentations. Some believe these subtle lines are only visible from above, and at dawn and dusk on the spring and autumn equinoxes. This leads some conspiracy theorists to think that ancient Egyptians built the pyramids to, perhaps, communicate with something above. We've collected some awesome videos on this topic. Watch them now to learn more.

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