Magnet Hill is a so-called "gravity hill" located near Leh in Ladakh, India.The magnet Hill is located on the Leh-Kargil-Srinagar national highway, about 30 km from Leh, at a height of 11,000 feet above sea level. On its south side flows the Indus, which originates in Tibet and goes to Pakistan. The magnetic hill has become a popular stop for domestic tourists on car journeys. The alignment of the road with the slope of the background can give the illusion that cars are able to drift upwards.


Magnet Hill is a so-called "gravity hill" located near Leh in Ladakh, India.The magnet Hill is located on the Leh-Kargil-Srinagar national highway, about 30 km from Leh, at a height of 11,000 feet above sea level. On its south side flows the Indus, which originates in Tibet and goes to Pakistan. The magnetic hill has become a popular stop for domestic tourists on car journeys. The alignment of the road with the slope of the background can give the illusion that cars are able to drift upwards.

Photo by: Puneet Vikram Singh, Nature and Concept photographer,

Puneet Vikram Singh, Nature and Concept photographer,

Are These Hills in India Magnetic, Supernatural, or Just an Illusion?

What’s the secret behind these magnetic hills? Are they really magnetic? Well, there are a few interesting theories. While most locals claim that these hills have a magnetic force that is strong enough to pull cars uphill, others are more skeptical.

March 11, 2020

Located in northern India, these mysterious "magnetic" hills have long puzzled locals and tourists alike. Just 19 miles outside the small town of Leh, a sign on Srinagar-Leh highway reads, “The phenomenon that defies gravity. Park your vehicle in the box marked with paint on the road and experience the wonder!” Indeed, even though the road appears to be slopped upwards, if you park your car and turn its engine off, it will move towards the hills at a speed of 12 miles all on its own!

A Signboard up the hills of Ladakh in India put up by Road construction department


A Signboard up the hills of Ladakh in India put up by Road construction department

Photo by: Saurabh Raj Sharan Photography

Saurabh Raj Sharan Photography

Optical Illusion?

Those who don’t quite believe that the hills are magnetic, argue it’s all an optical illusion. Even though the highway appears to have an uphill slope, it actually goes downhill. This optical illusion occurs because the region’s horizon is obstructed by the mountains that surround the highway. With an obstructed horizon, it’s hard to tell whether the ground slopes upwards or downwards since there is no flat surface to use for comparison.

To test the optical illusion theory, a group of students from the Rajasthan Institute of Engineering and Technology took a magnetometer to verify the strength of the ground's magnetic field. The device showed magnitudes varying from 25 to 60 microtesla, which the researchers claimed isn’t strong enough to be able to pull anything, especially not a car.

Locals’ Myth

A more bizarre theory is a myth told by locals. According to this myth, these hills used to be a pathway that led people straight to heaven. Those who were good and deserving of a spot in heaven were dragged towards the hills, while those who were undeserving were not. Supposedly, the hills have kept their supernatural, divine force.

Despite how entertaining this theory is, very few people actually believe it.

A gravity hill where slow speed cars are drawn against gravity is famously known as "Magnetic Hill" , a natural wonder at Leh, Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, India


A gravity hill where slow speed cars are drawn against gravity is famously known as "Magnetic Hill" , a natural wonder at Leh, Ladakh, Jammu and Kashmir, India

Photo by: RNMitra


These hills have long been talked about for their supposed magnetic force. The hills are so notorious that even pilots avoid flying over the region and if they absolutely have to, they increase the plane’s altitude to avoid magnetic interference. Whatever theory you believe, these scenic hills are definitely worth the visit.

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