You've Gotta be Kitten Me
Celebrate National Kitten Day with our tiny kitten friends from around the world.

Photo By: Andrew Maidanik Photography
Photo By: Catherine Falls Commercial
Photo By: Photo by Laurie Cinotto
Photo By: Benjamin Torode
Photo By: Andrey_Kuzmin
Photo By: 1001slide
Photo By: Kmatta
Baby Blues
Kittens are born with blue eyes.
Tiger Kin
Cats share over 96% of their DNA with Tigers.
Half Siblings
Kittens from the same litter can have more than one dad.
Peer Pressue
Kittens are very impressionable and do most of their learning in the beginning of their life.
Warm Blooded
Kittens cannot regulate their temperature, so they rely on mom to keep them warm.
Hear No Evil, See No Evil
Kittens are born with their eyes and ear canals closed. In the first two weeks or so their sight and hearing develop, but in the meantime, they use their other senses and their mom to get around!
Kitten Sleep A LOT!
Adult cats sleep around 16 hours a day, but kittens sleep more than that!