USA, Alaska, Katmai National Park, Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos) shaking head after catching spawning salmon in stream along Kinak Bay


USA, Alaska, Katmai National Park, Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos) shaking head after catching spawning salmon in stream along Kinak Bay

Photo by: Paul Souders

Paul Souders

The King of Chunks Has Been Crowned

By: Discovery

A four-time champion, 480 Otis proved that age is just a number and appetite is the real judge of awesomeness.

October 08, 2021

Fat Bear Week is one of the most anticipated events of the year for Katmai Conservancy, and the bears of Brooks Falls have officially wrapped up the feeding frenzy.

After a full week of feasting and a stacked race to the polls, the 25-year-old beat his toughest competitor, 151 Walker, and became America’s newest sweetheart. When the competition began on September 30th, 480 Otis was a clear fan favorite, prompting a positive flurry of fans who predicted the winner’s path to victory far ahead of the game.

Otis is King

Most notably, the chonky champ experienced one of the most incredible transformations of the season, proving that anything - and any gain - is possible!

See what fans had to say about the exciting week of competition:

Congratulations to this year’s winner, and to the other contestants, we wishing you a very happy, sleepy hibernation.

Recap all of Fat Bear Week by visiting, and following all of the fun of Fat Bear Week 2021 on Instagram and Twitter.

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