Arturo de Frias photography
Shark Week: The Podcast – Shark Morphology - The Body of a Shark
Marine biologist and shark expert Luke Tipple recounts a shark interaction with a 20-foot Great White shark as he deep dives on shark anatomy.
Episode show notes:
In this episode of Shark Week: The Podcast, we take a dive off the coast of Guadalupe Island with our host, Luke Tipple, marine biologist and shark expert, as he gets up close and personal with a 20-foot Great White. Then he deep dives into shark anatomy and talks about the major differences in teeth between shark species from the species that have hundreds of teeth, to species that have thousands. At the end of the episode, Luke talks about the biggest sharks in the world and a shark species small enough to fit in your hand.
Connect with the podcast. Follow Discovery+ and Luke Tipple on Instagram. Learn more about Shark Week here.