Sean started fishing right out of high school after a friend showed him just how quickly he could make a profit. That was roughly 30 years ago, and he has been doing it ever since. Sean loves being on deck, preferring to sweat and work it out with his brothers than to sit in the stuffy wheelhouse.
Despite his affection for fishing, Sean considers it the ultimate love-hate relationship: “When I’m out there I hate it, but when I’m home I miss it. It calls to me.” Like any veteran fisherman, Sean has lots of tales to tell, especially from the frenzied derby days of crabbing.
Sean has struggled with alcoholism in the past, even once missing an entire kings season to go to rehab. Never shy to bark at the deckhands for moving slowly or being inefficient, Sean makes it a point to keep the deckhands safe. As long as he can remain sober, look for Sean to continue providing a decisive veteran presence on deck, ever more crucial for a boat looking to chart its own path.