SHORTFIN MAKO SHARK, Isurus oxyrinchus, Lamnidae, Azores, Portugal


SHORTFIN MAKO SHARK, Isurus oxyrinchus, Lamnidae, Azores, Portugal

Photo by: Gerard Soury

Gerard Soury

Ready. Set. Mako! Join the 2021 Shark Week Race with Yes.Fit

By: Discovery

Discovery teams up with YES.FIT for the Second Annual Shark Week Virtual Race through Maui, Hawaii. Make like a Mako, and let's go!

June 11, 2021

Yes.Fit, in partnership with Discovery, is proud to bring you the second annual Shark Week 2021 Virtual Challenge. Join us in the waters of Maui, Hawaii, one of the few places in the world where there lies a desirable habitat for tiger sharks — bring your friends and let's swim with the sharks! You are going to nail it!

You can complete this 44.6-mile race at your own pace with the help of this jawsome playlist.

Yes.Fit creates fun and interactive virtual races and challenges based on the places, stories, and heroes you love. Sign up for a membership today and dive into the race!

Next Up

Shark Week Is Our Favorite Thing About Summer

Get ready for the best summer yet. This year, SHARK WEEK starts on July 11 with more jawsome shows than ever before on Discovery and discovery+.

Shark Week: The Podcast - Dr. Craig O’Connell on Shark Repellents and Great Whites in Montauk, New York

Luke Tipple is joined by marine biologist, Dr. Craig O’Connell to discuss shark repellents and how Montauk, New York has become a Great White hotspot.

Shark Week: The Podcast - Jeff Kurr on Filming a Life-Threatening Shark Encounter

Luke Tipple is joined by Emmy award-winning and longtime Shark Week filmmaker, Jeff Kurr to discuss his new documentary, Great White Open Ocean, and the life-threatening shark encounter captured in his film and seen in recent news.

Shark Week: The Podcast - The Ocean Cleanup’s Mission to Eliminate a Garbage Patch Twice the Size of Texas

Luke Tipple is joined by lead ocean field scientist at The Ocean Cleanup, Matthias Egger, to discuss efforts to eliminate the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Shark Week: The Podcast – Christine de Silva on the Technology Helping Us Understand Deep Sea Sharks

Luke Tipple is joined by Christine de Silva, marine scientist, shark expert, and co-founder of Juice Robotics to discuss deep-sea sharks and the technology helping us understand them.

Shark Week: The Podcast – Cristina Zenato on Why Sharks are the Safest Animal to Interact With on the Planet

Luke Tipple is joined by Cristina Zenato, “shark whisperer,” professional diver, shark expert, and founder of People of the Water. They discuss shark personalities, cognitive instincts, and their memory passed through DNA.

Luke Tipple vs Robert ‘Fly’ Navarro on Shark Fishing Tournaments - Part 2

Sparks continue to fly in part two of Luke Tipple’s debate with author, shark fishing advocate & founder of FlyZone Fishing Robert ‘Fly’ Navarro.

Shark Week: The Podcast - Luke Tipple vs Robert ‘Fly’ Navarro on Shark Fishing Tournaments

Luke Tipple is joined by shark fishing advocate & founder of FlyZone Fishing Robert ‘Fly’ Navarro in a fiery debate about shark fishing tournaments.

Shark Week: The Podcast - Do Scientists Need to Kill Sharks?

Host Luke Tipple welcomes two guests to discuss how researchers can kill sharks in the name of science – and whether they need to at all. The first is Dr. Neil Hammerschlag, shark researcher and founder of Atlantic Shark Expeditions, and an expert on data-gathering in the field. He’s followed by explorer Fred Buyle, a world-record-breaking freediver whose innovative methods of shark tagging are explored. Plus, our researcher Sierra tells us about how a 50-year study changed our understanding of tiger sharks – and much of the work wasn’t even done by scientists.

Shark Week: The Podcast - Undiscovered Sharks and the State of the Ocean

Luke Tipple invites “The Lost Shark Guy,” Dr. Dave Ebert, who is personally responsible for finding dozens of shark species that were either previously unknown to science or thought to be extinct. He and Luke discuss why shark populations are a direct indicator of how healthy the ocean is, how to find undiscovered sharks, and why diversity in sharks is essential for marine life.

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