Mike Rowe Gets His Hands Dirty in DIRTY JOBS Season 9
On the new season of Dirty Jobs, Mike Rowe tries his hand at his dirtiest jobs yet. A champion of essential workers, Mike pushes his limits to celebrate America's hardworking men and women. Take a look at our favorite snapshots from the season so far.
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Mike Rowe sits back against a large galvanized telephone pole in full galvanizing gear, looking direct to camera.
Mike Rowe bursts into laughter as Eddie Wooton shows how poorly Mike’s cut pipe fits.
Mike Rowe poses with the rodbusters of Shelby Erectors. Shown (left to right) are Jack Nix Jr., Sergio Lopez, Jason Zyla, Jack Nix, Perez Santos, Craig Taylor, Abel Ramirez, Jack Thomas, and Brooks Winchester, among others.
The sun shines on Mike's face.
Jack Thomas and Mike Rowe laugh at something Craig Taylor just said as they stand, taking a break from rodbusting.
Mike Rowe and Craig Taylor sit on the side of the bridge and talk.
Mike Rowe carries his weight.
Leonel Oviedo Jr. points up towards the roof as Mike Rowe and Leonel Oviedo Sr. listen intently to what he is saying. The vacuum truck is visible in the background.
Mike Rowe watches down the line as he determines which piece of rebar to lift from the bundle in order to place it.
Mike Rowe looks to camera after the vacuum drunk dumps its load of roof gravel.
A very Dirty Mike Rowe talks with Jeff Hermanson between work stations.
Mike Rowe prepares to drill hole 317 under the direction of Vaughn Ziolkowski and Thomas Castelan.
Crew Member watches Kenneth Kiser, Mike Rowe, and Daniel Meyer (left to right) as they lever a chunk of stone off of the mountain.
Mike Rowe and Vaughn Ziolkowski talk in front of the face of the Crazy Horse Memorial.
The crew of Dirty Jobs Season poses for a photo in front of the face of the Crazy Horse Memorial. (left to right) Sandi Kloosterman, Taylor Wootton, Mary Sullivan, Joel Chivington, L.C. Crowley, Mike Rowe, Ben Franzen, Zack Hall, Adam Jordan, Charles DeLeon-Franzen, Nick Urquhart, Kevin Kim, Chris Jones, Scotty Poston, Adam Pelerose.
Mike Rowe smiles as he meets and shakes Braxton Akridge’s hand. Garrett Rice and David Rice stand by (left to right).
Mike Rowe laughs with David Rice and Garrett Rice.
Garrett Rice and Mike Rowe laugh as Mike shows Garrett a children’s book: Scuffy the Tugboat.
Brandon Boone hoses off Mike Rowe.
Mike Rowe readies the net after bringing in a smack of jellyballs. Captain Mike Boone and crewmate Chris Boone prepare to sort out rays caught in the net.
Mike Rowe brings in a smack of jellyballs, watching as they are released from the net into the cargo hold.
Mike Rowe watches as Brandon Boone and Pat Brennan throw the caught rays back into the ocean.
Brandon Boone and Mike Rowe survey the water for Jellyballs outside the Captain’s Cabin of Little Man shrimper/jellyballer.
Mike Rowe erupts in celebratory laughter as he releases a smack of jellyballs from the net. Captain Mike Boone steadies the net. Crewmate Chris Boone waits to sort through the catch.
Mike Rowe poses with the crew of Little Man and Terry Chuang, owner of Golden Island International: (left to right) Pat Brennan, Terry Chuang, Brandon Boone, Chris Boone, and Captain Mike Boone, on the siding of the boat.
Randy Baird coaches Mike Rowe while he operates a machine to clean the floor.
Mike Rowe stands with Hector Sanchez as they wait for the steel angles to come to the ground after their dip in the acid baths. Various galvanizers visible in the background.
Mike Rowe kneels next to the j-press with a paddle dirty with filter cake. Cornell Wasserman and Daniel both are visible only knee-down.
Mike Rowe leans over with a surprised look in his eyes. A sign behind him reads: “hot work area.”
Mike Rowe holds out a dirty paddle with a pile of filter cake on it to the camera as he stands by the j-press.