Blood moon full lunar eclipse over mountain in Thailand, Jan 31 2018


Blood moon full lunar eclipse over mountain in Thailand, Jan 31 2018

Photo by: Aumphotography


The Super Flower Blood Moon Total Lunar Eclipse is Tonight

Early in the morning of May 26 most of the world will be able to look up and see a total lunar eclipse of the Super Flower Blood Moon.

May 25, 2021

If you are lucky enough to have clear skies during the early morning of May 26 and you happen to be a night person, look up to the moon and catch a glimpse of a full lunar eclipse. Unlike their solar counterparts, this eclipse is totally safe to look at without any protective eyewear.

The Super Flower Blood Moon and You

This month's full moon has been named the Super Flower Blood Moon. The moon during this phase is called the flower moon because of the abundance of flowers around the world. It has earned the "super" title because it is a full moon during the moon's closest approach in its orbit. And blood, well, that's the eclipse's fault. The astronomers at Lowell Observatory help us understand.

The Best Way to See the Eclipse

Lowell Observatory is here to help us see this total lunar eclipse. Not only will they be going live early in the morning, they have also helped us understand how and where to see the eclipse on our own:

"The May 26 eclipse will be visible from North and South America, Australia and some parts of southern and eastern Asia. In the United States, the best views will be in the western half of the country. You’ll have to be a bit of a night owl to catch the whole show—the eclipse begins at 1:47AM PDT on the 26 as the Moon slowly starts to move into the Earth’s shadow. The partial eclipse will begin at 2:44AM PDT, and the full eclipse will begin about an hour and a half later at 4:11am PDT. The exact moment of total eclipse will occur at 4:25AM PDT."

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