Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower, Babcock Wildlife Refuge, Florida


Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower, Babcock Wildlife Refuge, Florida

Photo by: Diana Robinson Photography

Diana Robinson Photography

May Sky Watch: What to Look Out For This Month

By: Discovery

Whether you can see it from home or stream it online, here are some of May's wonderous celestial events.

May 06, 2020

Every month there are numerous celestial and cosmic events that are definitely something to look at! And Lowell Observatory in Flagstaff, Arizona brings the sky and space to us at home!

Eta Aquarid - May 4th & 5th

A rare Green Fireball meteor from the Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower around 5 a.m. in Babcock Wildlife Management Area near Punta Gorda, Florida


A rare Green Fireball meteor from the Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower around 5 a.m. in Babcock Wildlife Management Area near Punta Gorda, Florida

Photo by: Diana Robinson Photography

Diana Robinson Photography

Every single year around the beginning of May, the Eta Aquarid Meteor Shower is visible in the night sky. Meteors are leftover bits of comet and broken parts of asteroids that remain in the Earth's orbital path. This particular meteor shower is fast and hard to catch, but you can check out Lowell's coverage of this annual meteor shower here!

Flower Supermoon - May 7th

Rise of Super Moon in Riga, Latvia

Rise of Super Moon in Riga, Latvia

Photo by: Shutterstock/Sergei25


The last supermoon of 2020 is happening in May. This full moon appears larger and is a bit closer to earth that full moons during other months. Lowell teaches us about the Flower supermoon here!

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