Naked and Afraid XL Episodes

S10 E1 5/12/24

Enter the Proving Grounds

Twelve survivalists trek 40 miles of the Colombian Badlands in 40 days.
S10 E2 5/19/24

The Badlands Bite Back

One team stalks and kills a caiman. Chris battles a mystery illness.
S10 E3 5/26/24

Ticking and Screaming

Sam gets a tick bite in the worst spot imaginable.
S10 E4 6/2/24

A Parasite to Behold

Medics discover parasites in a survivalist's digestive system.
S10 E5 2/17/24

Caiman Killers on the Loose

Two teams get huge wins. Adam's choice not to share food causes a rift.
S10 E6 2/17/24

A Camp Divided

Smoldering tension makes a camp pick sides. Kaiela's challenge is at risk.

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Fri 12/20 @ 2AM | 1C

All In to Get Out