Curiosity Daily Podcast: Pablo Escobar's Hippos Overtaking Colombia, More Phytoplankton Is Good for the Planet, and Seeing Climate Change in Daily Weather
Learn about why a predicted increase in phytoplankton is good news for our environment; how researchers can detect evidence of climate change from just one day of global weather conditions; and how Pablo Escobar's hippos became an invasive species in Colombia.
Episode Show Notes:
Oceanographers Predict an Increase in Phytoplankton by Andrea Michelson
- Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. (2018). Phytoplankton - A Simple Guide | WHOI. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. https://www.whoi.edu/know-your-ocean/ocean-topics/ocean-life/phytoplankton/
- UCI News Staff. (2020, January 27). Contradicting prevalent view, UCI oceanographers predict increase in phytoplankton. UCI News. https://news.uci.edu/2020/01/27/contradicting-prevalent-view-uci-oceanographers-predict-increase-in-phytoplankton/
- Flombaum, P., Wang, W.-L., Primeau, F. W., & Martiny, A. C. (2020). Global picophytoplankton niche partitioning predicts overall positive response to ocean warming. Nature Geoscience, 13(2), 116–120. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41561-019-0524-2
The Signal of Human-Caused Climate Change Has Emerged in Everyday Weather by Grant Currin
- Sippel, S., Meinshausen, N., Fischer, E. M., Székely, E., & Knutti, R. (2020). Climate change now detectable from any single day of weather at global scale. Nature Climate Change, 10(1), 35–41. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41558-019-0666-7
- Freedman, A. (2020, January 2). The signal of human-caused climate change has emerged in everyday weather, study finds. The Washington Post. https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2020/01/02/signal-human-caused-climate-change-has-emerged-every-day-weather-study-finds/
- Climate signals detected in global weather. (2020). EurekAlert! https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-01/ez-csd122319.php
- Climate Change: Global Temperature | NOAA Climate.gov. (2020). Climate.Gov. https://www.climate.gov/news-features/understanding-climate/climate-change-global-temperature
Pablo Escobar's Hippos Have Become an Invasive Species in Colombia by Grant Currin
- Drug Lord’s Hippos Make Their Mark on Foreign Ecosystem. (2020). UCSD.edu. https://ucsdnews.ucsd.edu/feature/drug-lords-hippos-make-their-mark-on-foreign-ecosystem
- Alison DeNisco Rayome. (2020, January 29). Pablo Escobar’s hippos have become an invasive species in Colombia. CNET. https://www.cnet.com/news/pablo-escobars-hippos-have-become-an-invasive-species-in-colombia/
- Shurin, J. B., Aranguren Riaño, N., Duque Negro, D., Lopez, D. E., Jones, N. T., Laverde‐R, O., Neu, A., & Pedroza Ramos, A. (2020). Ecosystem effects of the world’s largest invasive animal. Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.2991
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