Curiosity Daily Podcast: Where Our Emotions Come From and How to Hack Them (w/ Lisa Feldman Barrett) and Tarantula Venom Could Be an Opioid Alternative
Learn about where your emotions come from and how you can hack them, with help from psychology researcher and neuroscientist Lisa Feldman Barrett. Plus: learn why tarantula venom could be an alternative to opioids.
May 14, 2020
Episode Show Notes:
Maybe tarantula venom could be an alternative to opioids by Cameron Duke
- Agwa, A. J., Tran, P., Mueller, A., Tran, H. N. T., Deuis, J. R., Israel, M. R., McMahon, K. L., Craik, D. J., Vetter, I., & Schroeder, C. I. (2020). Manipulation of a spider peptide toxin alters its affinity for lipid bilayers and potency and selectivity for voltage-gated sodium channel subtype 1.7. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 295(15), 5067–5080. https://doi.org/10.1074/jbc.ra119.012281
- Spider venom key to pain relief without side-effects. (2020). EurekAlert! https://www.eurekalert.org/pub_releases/2020-04/uoq-svk041320.php
- Viviane Richter. (2016, February 29). The tarantula’s bite that could stop pain. Cosmosmagazine.com; Cosmos Magazine. https://cosmosmagazine.com/biology/tarantulas-bite-could-stop-pain
- Understanding the Epidemic. (2019). CDC.gov; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/epidemic/index.html
Additional resources from Lisa Feldman Barrett:
- Watch our full, uncut interview with Lisa Feldman Barrett from the American Association for the Advancement of Science Annual Meeting (#AAASmtg) on YouTube https://youtu.be/MY0ZqmBzd4g
- Pick up “How Emotions Are Made: The Secret Life of the Brain” on Amazon https://amzn.to/3cpMyzl
- Official website https://lisafeldmanbarrett.com/
- You aren’t at the mercy of your emotions (TED Talk) https://www.ted.com/talks/lisa_feldman_barrett_you_aren_t_at_the_mercy_of_your_emotions_your_brain_creates_them
- Follow @LFeldmanBarrett on Twitter https://twitter.com/LFeldmanBarrett
- Other publications by Lisa Feldman Barrett https://amzn.to/2WLC8U7
- Citation for test anxiety study: Jamieson, J. P., Peters, B. J., Greenwood, E. J., & Altose, A. J. (2016). Reappraising Stress Arousal Improves Performance and Reduces Evaluation Anxiety in Classroom Exam Situations. Social Psychological and Personality Science, 7(6), 579–587. https://doi.org/10.1177/1948550616644656
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