The Moon Event: Happy National Moon Day
July 20th marks the anniversary of the first time a man walked on the moon, it is also National Moon Day. Thanks for being there for us, moon! Here are some awesome facts from NASA about our orbital buddy!
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Photo By: Jakkapan Jabjainai / EyeEm
Photo By: Jasmin Merdan
Photo By: Henglein and Steets
Photo By: Johner Images
Photo By: Chris Clor
Photo By: Vicki Smith
Photo By: a goncalves
Calming Presence
The Moon’s position in our orbit helps stabilize our planet’s wobble, which can contribute to our climate's stability.
Go The Distance
The moon is about 240,000 miles away from Earth.
Moon Stones
Apollo astronauts collected over 800 pounds of lunar matter and brought them back to Earth. NASA still studies these samples to this day!
Not So Inviting...
The moon as-is is not so inhabitable, the atmosphere is very thin so any visitors would need a space suit. Also, there is no natural water source on our moon. Those things will need to be ironed out before you see humans calling the moon home.
On the Bigger Side!
There are over 190 moons in our solar system, and ours is the fifth largest one!
So Far, Yet So... Far?
The moon is the only celestial body visited by mankind outside the Earth's atmosphere.
Our Tiny Friend!
If Earth was a US nickel, the moon would be about the size of a pea!