Monty Rakusen
Curiosity Daily: Fry Flying, Gas Giants at Home, Entangled Atoms
Today we are discussing new sustainable fuels for airplanes, creating other worldly heat at home, and a new record for quantum entanglement.
September 16, 2022
Fry Flying
- “Cooking Oil Could Be the New Jet Fuel” by Caroline Delbert
- “Sustainable Aviation Fuels: Status, Challenges and Prospects of Drop-In Liquid Fuels, Hydrogen and Electrification in Aviation” by Ausilio Bauen, et al.
- “Global Biorenewable Development Strategies for Sustainable Aviation Fuel Production” by Kok Siew Ng, et al.
- “A Step Change Towards Sustainable Aviation Fuel from Sewage Sludge” by Muhammad Asif Bashir, et al.
Gas Giants at Home
- “Finally, a Practical Use for Nuclear Fusion” by Amit Katwala
- “Feeling the Heat: Fusion Reactors Used to Test Spacecraft Heat Shields” by The American Physical Society
- “DIII-D National Fusion Facility” by General Atomics
- “Hypervelocity Impact in Stellar Media: Spacecraft Heat Shield Study in DIII-D” by Dmitriy M. Orlov
- “Laboratory Study of Carbon Ablation in Jupiter-Like Heating Environment” by Eva Kostadinova, et al.
Entangled Atoms
- “Record-setting quantum entanglement connects two atoms across 20 miles” by Michael Irving
- “Entangling single atoms over 33 km telecom fibre” by Tim van Leent, Matthias Bock, Florian Fertig, Robert Garthoff, Sebastian Eppelt, Yiru Zhou, Pooja Malik, Matthias Seubert, Tobias Bauer, Wenjamin Rosenfeld, Wei Zhang, Christoph Becher & Harald Weinfurter
- “Quantum Internet Explained” by Ahmed Banafa
- “Quantum physics: Record entanglement of quantum memories” by ScienceDaily
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