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Curiosity Daily Podcast: 16 Psyche, Xenotransplantation, Ocean Waves Become a Rave
Today, you’ll learn about a metallic object in space that might be worth seven hundred quintillion dollars, how genetically engineered pig hearts could save tons of human lives, and how bioluminescent waves are putting on trippy light shows in the world’s oceans.
Episode show notes:
16 Psyche may be worth $700 quintillion dollars, but it’ll take a probe visiting the planetesimal to find out.
16 Psyche: An Asteroid once thought to be worth $700 quintillion by Chris Young
Asteroid 16 Psyche Thought to Be Worth $10,000 Quadrillion Could Be a “Rubble Pile” by Aristos Georgiou
16 Psyche: The asteroid that could make every person on Earth a billionaire by Paul Ratner
Hubble Telescope reveals asteroid Psyche’s rusty surface by Amy Oliver
Science of Psyche: Unique Asteroid Holds Clues to Early Solar System by Naomi Hartono
Asteroid Psyche by NASA
One man was the lucky recipient of a heart transplant from an unlikely source - can organs from animals help humans?
The First Person to Receive a Heart Transplant from a Pig Survived 2 Months
After the U.S. man received the first successful transplant of its kind, a Maryland hospital reported his death today.
Will animal-to-human organ transplants overcome their complicated history? by Laura Beil
Man gets genetically modified pig heart in world-first transplant by BBC News with analysis by Michelle Roberts
First-ever pig-to-human heart transplant offers hope for thousands in need of organs by Karen Weintraub
The ethics of a second chance: Pig heart transplant recipient stabbed a man seven times years ago by Lizzie Johnson and William Wan
Bioluminescent waves are lighting up the oceans for swimmers and sealife alike.
Dolphins, Surfers and Waves Sparkle in Bright Blue Bioluminescent Glow Off California Coast by Katherine J. Wu
The science behind bioluminescent waves by Harry Baker
Bioluminescent Waves Light Up the Shoreline by Amanda Maxwell
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